Partner Chambers

Reasons for Other Chambers to Join WNCC:

The West Nova Chamber is inviting all chambers in South West Nova Scotia to become members of WNCC.

Your Chamber can join as a member, for free and you can extend this invitation to your members, regardless if they have paid your membership fees or not.

The primary objective is to create a stronger voice in Advocacy Initiatives by being united Voice.

There are many reasons for Chambers to join WNCC.

Increased Advocacy Power:

Join forces with other chambers to create a stronger, more influential voice on regional issues.

Greater Impact on Decision-Makers: A united front will increase your leverage when advocating for the needs of your community and the region as a whole.

Influence Policy Changes: Effectively advocate for policies that benefit businesses across South West Nova Scotia.

Expanded Reach and Resources:

Shared Resources: Potentially share resources, expertise, and best practices with other chambers.

Increased Visibility: Gain greater visibility for your local chamber within the broader South West Nova Scotia region.

Reduced Administrative Burden:

Streamlined Operations: Leverage the WNCC’s infrastructure and resources to streamline your own chamber’s operations by leveraging the WNCC’s resources and expertise.

Enhanced Visibility: Gain increased visibility and recognition for your local chamber within the broader South West Nova Scotia region.

Community Building: Strengthen inter-community collaboration and foster a stronger sense of regional identity.

Benefits for Members of Joining Chambers:

Increased Visibility: Gain greater visibility within the South West Nova Scotia business community.

Advocacy Power: Benefit from the collective advocacy efforts of the WNCC and other chambers.

Access to Resources: Potentially gain access to shared resources and services offered by the WNCC.

Access to WNCC member discounts, such as all types of insurance, fuel savings, sign discounts, etc.

Enhanced Community Engagement: Contribute to the overall growth and development of the South West Nova Scotia region.

Strengthen Inter-community Collaboration: Foster a stronger sense of regional identity and collaboration among businesses and communities across South West Nova Scotia.

Call to Action:

“Join the West Nova Chamber of Commerce Network today and discover the power of collaboration!”

“Contact us to learn more about the benefits of partnering with the WNCC.”

“Let’s work together to build a stronger future for South West Nova Scotia.”