101 Horror Stories

Residents & Drivers Exposed to Constant Risk

The Province DID NOT Complete Highway 101

From Marshalltown to Weymouth

Old Route 1 was simply Renamed as a 100 Series Provincial Highway


We have lost a love one due to this highway not being safe. I can’t count times I have seen near misses to accidents on this highway
Esther Handspiker
There was a recent fatal MVC that happened at the end of my driveway. I work as a Paramedic and have attended multiple accidents on this stretch. The speed of other travelers makes finding houses in emergency situations difficult. Entering and exiting driveways on this stretch is also difficult due to the speed of travelers and amount of curves. As a resident of the 101, I see and hear many people driving this stretch daily. It is dangerous and scary to see some days how fast people drive. The lack of accessibility to a wide shoulder, policing and the amount of “hidden driveways” or driveways that are unsafe to safely exit or enter.
Steph Deveau
I was involved in a motor vehicle accident April 2023. My life hasn’t been the same. Unable to work or live a functioning life. The Motor vehicle accident has ruined my life
Nora Babin
Meteghan River
My daughter in-law and my granddaughter were almost hit from a car passing a bus! People are passing blind on hills and corners due to people wanting to speed.
Todd MacCabe
Dangerous stretch. Lost friends
Ginger Come
St. Stephen, NB
Seen way too many accidents. In one day a young man died in a terrible accident near the Plympton and Barton boundary and only minutes after the highway was reopened another multi vehicle collision at the French road and 101 shut it down again. My wife won't drive on that highway anymore because it's so dangerous. I could go on about all the close calls we've had in the last year but I hope that this highway gets done before more people die. Nearly being rear-ended when braking for deer. People pulling out of driveways on blind crests and side roads. Terrible road conditions in snow and heavy rain. It's a crap shoot every time we use it whether we'll be the next statistic.
Samuel Melanson
I hear ambulances constantly. There are accidents on the 101 all the time and many are dreadful. The road isn’t well lit for nighttime travel and should be in use as a highway. The stunt driving that goes unchecked every single night is out of hand. And it disrupts my sleep. It didn’t before. The road isn’t safe enough to be a highway. I had a young man burn to death in my ditch this past fall! The speed limit here should be 60km. And 50km in my area of heavy residential buildings. I see cars going 120km by my house!!! There are no RCMP that patrol the road and everyone knows it. If the province cannot afford to build the bypass because they are so Halifax oriented I’d say get your finger out of your proverbial butts! Lower the speed limits immediately! First step to saving lives. Enforce using daytime running lights in this province!! This stretch of road is winding and hilly. It does not make for a good highway. he noise is unbelievable and has gotten worse in the past 2 years. The number of accidents is absolutely ridiculous. It’s so unsafe that I can even grab the flyers each week. The trucks zoom past and I don’t wish to die. And my flyers are never delivered into the driveway. The road is heavy with residences and still it’s a highway!!! Unbelievable and literally crazy! Please put a bypass in. Let the residents breathe and feel safe.
Lori Mollett
I’m a paramedic and live on the 101 in Brighton. I could give you 100 reasons as to why it should be completed. Top reason is safety. Within my first week of buying my house there was an SVU on its roof with an injured driver across the road. If he had landed in my yard it could have easily hit my children.
Melissa Macdonald
I drive tractor trailers, and I constantly find cars trying to pass and cutting in/out just to be in front of me. I’ve had to slam on the brakes several times as people are looking for houses to turn into, but they aren’t paying attention to those around them. There has been several close calls that I’ve witnessed over the years due to these actions. This section of highway merges the 1 and the 101 along a long section of houses/communities, creating dangerous driving conditions at all times. This should be a residential area - not highway!
Joshua Hickey
Beaver Bank
Too many accidents and too much traffic. I live next to a home daycare where children are playing and last year a car went off the road attempting to pass another car with traffic coming from the opposite direction. The car went off the road down into the ditch came up over that driveway and back down into the ditch before stopping. This road is littered with crosses of people who have been killed on this road. For God's sake finish the 101 and get the traffic away from houses. Too many people speed on this road. They pass another another with excessive speed. I would not attempt to walk on this road.
Pam Frost
The 101 Bypass must be completed to ensure less traffic travels our neighborhood roads making it safer for children waiting on the roadside for school busses and resident’s turning into their driveways. Back in 1998 while travelling slowly through Ashmore to get home from work during a winter storm making the roads very hazardous with slush, a half ton truck pulled out of the Ashmore Convenience store and was crossing the highway to enter my lane. I could see the driver had not cleared all the ice on the vehicles windshield, therefore didn’t see the chain of vehicles coming his way. I knew if I didn’t take immediate action there was going to be a serious accident, so applied my brakes as I looked in my rear view mirror. My van started to fishtail and to my concern there was a tractor trailer travelling behind my vehicle. I immediately took my foot off the brake and accelerated a bit as I watched the half ton continue advancing across the highway. As the front of my van passed the truck proceeding to cross the Center line to enter my lane I closed my eyes and thought to myself, this is it, I’m sure this vehicle is going to clip the back of my van for sure sending me into a tailspin and the tractor trailer behind me is not going to be able to stop…….time seemed to stop for a moment as I waited for what was surely going to happen! I still can’t explain how it didn’t happen as I’m sure that half ton truck must have been within millimetres of connecting with the back end of my van…..some higher power was with me that day for sure and enabled me to make it home to my husband and kids! My husband and 2 grandchildren were rear ended while travelling through Brighton deeming his truck to be a write off thru our vehicle insurance. Pedestrians were walking there dogs on the side of the highway when one of the dogs ran out in front of the vehicle. My husband applied the brakes to avoid hitting the dog…….. the driver that hit my husband’s truck was charged with tail gating. There have been several accidents including a couple deaths on this section of highway in the past few years. Each year as traffic increases these occurrences seem to happen more often.
Shelley Morrison
Too many people getting killed including my son, nephew and 2 other young men in the same crash. 32 years ago and still waiting. Speed and not accustom to the hell of a highway
Vanessa Amero
Lost a very good friend in a car accident in the stretch of Gilbert’s cove. Lots of hidden driveways where people pull out and cut people off causing accidents. Unsafe driving conditions, too many houses in 90km/hr zone. School busses and transit buses stop a lot in this area. Too many fatalities and car accidents
Erin Jarvis
THE 101 SNAKE - MIDDLE CROSSING ROAD TURN OFF. - MARSHALLTOWN - : Twice in 2023, very very close call. Avoided a head on collision. People drive too fast and do not pay attention to the lines on the road. By avoiding this head on collision, many vehicles who were following too close and too fast behind me veered into oncoming traffic and almost hit the guard rails… You basically have to get out of the way when transport trucks drive through that curve as they drive over the lines and turn wide while speeding! Very very DANGEROUS area. GILBERT'S COVE - it’s a very high speed area on that stretch. The road is not that wide plus nearly no one follows the posted speed limit there. I’ve had several near collisions as people passing cars at 115+ kms in that stretch. In all weather conditions. And let’s not forget people coming out of their own driveways onto the 101. At speeds of 90kms, (and often much higher speeds), it’s hard to stop when suddenly someone backs out of their driveway…How many lives have to be lost or destroyed before someone completes the 101 bypass??? We’ve been waiting. And waiting and waiting for changes to be made. Meanwhile, the body count is mounting every year. Families mourn the loss of loved ones. Sometimes the 101 claims whole families. Population has increased in Nova Scotia. Which means more vehicles traveling at high speeds on the 101. Along with transport trucks barreling right beside them. Not safe! Completion of the Highway 101 bypass would make travelling on this highway safer. Enough already!
Karen Thimot
Came upon a MVC in Ashmore, lots of injuries. Its dangerous and not efficient
Blair d'Entremont
West Pubnico
Having traveled on this section of road for a year and a half for work in Digby, I have seen countless close calls with vehicles and pedestrians. I also witnessed multiple close calls of transport trucks with vehicles turning into driveways or onto the highway. Personally having avoided rear-ending a vehicle slowed down due to a transport truck stopping to let a vehicle turn in a driveway. Being a firefighter within Digby County, I know of the dangers of the untwinned section of the highway and wish the government look at funding options to have this section twinned within the next 2 years. My fellow first responders would greatly appreciate your efforts in having this done for our safety and the residents living from Ashmore to Marshalltown.
Joel Deveau
2 accidents in front of my house within the past 6 months alone, people speeding up to 100km in a 50km cautionary zone. A double hill where you cannot see well and speeders do not slow down, I am including 18 wheelers, delivery trucks stopping on road sides in poor visibility areas, its often foggy and they still do not slow down
Sherry Barr
Way too many accidents on that stretch. It’s not safe to have those speeds in a dense residential area. There are accidents almost daily, sometimes more than one in a day. It’s unsafe to turn off, people are barreling along behind and not noticing vehicles trying to turn and I see too many passing and just missing oncoming cars. A good friend of mine had a serious accident. That same day, within an hour there was another accident nearby.
Darlene Flynn
Weymouth North
Witness crashes over the years being a Volunteer Firefighter
Mark Hyson - Volunteer Firefighter
Mount Pleasant
Recently while travelling this road, there was an object in the middle of the road and I had to slow down to wait to go around it. With the regular speed limit of 90 km/h the car behind me coming down the hill blindly hit me on the passengers side of my car while trying to avoid hitting me completely. This being a residential part of the road, the object that was in the road was a bag of garbage that was put in the road by the wind, probably wouldn’t have been in the road if it was a highway, Therefore not having the road blocked or the accident. Too many cars entering and exiting the highway to make it safe for the posted speed limits.
Danielle Thibault
Belliveaus Cove
I live right on the 101 and I have young children. I want to feel safe and not like a transport truck may crash through the front of my house at any moment. Watching huge transport trucks fly pass the stopped should bus as I am picking up my child. Witnessing accidents as people try to pull into their own driveway. The post office seems my place too unsafe to deliver mail due to the highway.
Bob Bradley
People drive way too fast and pass where they shouldn’t. I get passed on the inside when trying to pull in my driveway. I've even had cars land on my lawn from accidents. It is NOT SAFE!!!
Nancy Morehouse
I'm a firefighter in the area see lots of accidents and deaths on it. Dangerous section of highway - need new one
Alvin Rice - Fire Fighter
Seen too many accidents on that stretch of the 101. Some fatal ones as well and some that should’ve resulted in a death but miraculously the person(s) survived. Dangerous stretch of road with too many residences with driveways entering onto the 101
Mike MacAulay
Lost a brother and first cousin to a drunk driver on this stretch. I commute everyday and close calls daily and most are school bus related around 2:30. People are always driving highway speeds and there are so many residents on this stretch. I’m sure there will be plenty more before the highway go through
Cory Melanson
Hi, I am writing to share my experience on the highway 101 in Barton. Earlier this year, I was stopped completely on the highway with my blinker on, waiting to turn into my driveway. A couple seconds after being stopped, I glanced up into my rearview mirror and seen a car coming so fast behind me that I knew I would not even have time to move out of the way. A millisecond after I put my foot on the gas, they slammed into the back of my vehicle. Luckily, no one was hurt in this accident. I'm still not sure the reason for the accident, but it was very sunny out that day, and the other driver was just not expecting a car to be stopped on the highway. I never used to really think anything of having driveways off of this highway, but in the past couple years, it seems to have come increasingly dangerous to our residents. It seems like the highway is shut down almost every weekend due to an accident now.
Carley Doucet
Resident of Barton
Almost ran into..by a tractor trailer speeding. More people are going to get killed...how many does it take to die.. Do the road
Marilyn Conrad
Upper Clements
Just a few weeks ago my daughter was pulling in our driveway. She did everything right. But the 2 cars in back of her ended up in an accident. It seems it’s almost every day you hear of an accident on this section of rd. Then you have the school busses that start and stop every 500 ft it seems every morning about the same time everyone doesn’t want to be late for work. I started leaving for work late. I’m late everyday because I have seen way too many close calls with the busses. I have counted 40 cars many many times in back of the bus on my way to work starting and stopping every 500 to 1000 ft or so. The buses pull over every chance they get to let the cars and log trucks go but there’s just way to much traffic on this number 1 highway. There has been way to many deaths and accidents on this section of road. It’s time to build the REAL 101 highway. So I feel I can cross the rd to the beach, so I feel safe to walk to the post office. I haven’t been able to ride y bicycle in a long long time. It’s a little sad , I worked in the city for roughly 15 years and it was quieter and safer walking and riding my bike there. We like to garden and I’m telling you it’s not easy spending time in the garden when you have big Hugh trucks using the Jake breakers going by our place all day. Every day. Can’t talk to anyone in our yard at all you have to scream to each other. When we built here back in 85ish I was told the highway would be built with in the next 5 years or so, not to worry about my kids crossing the road. My kids are in their 40s now. It’s time we have had enough lies. Build it now .
David Specht
I have spent 20 years growing up on the highway 101 in Brighton. I remember hearing that the highway will be changed and finished for years. I remember there being several accidents. I remember my mom being rear ended a couple of times trying to pull into our driveway. (NOT SAFE) I remember being in with my cousin and he luckily seen that the truck was not going to stop for us and was able to get over to the side of the road or it could have been a deadly accident. (NOT SAFE) I remember trying to pull into that driveway, I was at a stop waiting for traffic from the other direction to ease and the car behind me passed me on the shoulder (NOT SAFE) Time and time again this is happening. These small examples of how unsafe it is on a daily basis! Why wait for the big example to happen life, a hard lesson to wait for. People are in a rush and don’t want to slow down. They want a highway section to travel and move from point A to point B efficiently. It’s not efficient for people to slow down. People speed and pass constantly along that section. I am now 32 years old and travel to my parent’s house with my small son. I am now extremely cautious when pulling into the driveway in case cars don’t want to stop or don’t see me. I am cautious when pulling out of the driveway because you might meet a car passing. The 101 highway is running through a community where the driveways intersect traffic going in excess of 100 kpm. Every time I visit my sister in Gilbert's Cove, I have large transport trucks and traffic going so fast I have to either go out of my way to turn around and try from another angle or put on my flashers and hold my breath that I don't die. This is totally unacceptable; the resident’s lives do matter and this piece of highway needs to be by passed. No more excuses, the liability is on the province if there are any further deaths or property damage, we note the highway plan for NS for the next 5 years does not even mention this area. Putting your head in the sand and not managing this is insulting to your constituents.Our home is within fifty feet of the existing highway #1 (101) at Civic # 8401 in Brighton. The large volume of traffic, including significant Life’s simple, it’s a very dangerous section of highway. Be proactive and put in motion what has been spoken about for YEARS. I hope change will happen for my family and the families that live there and for the people that travel. Thank you
Rebeka Cook
Long Time Resident
So many - Too many crashes into the ditch in front of our home. I wake up a lot at 4:00 a.m. after hearing the bang of a car crashing into the ditch. ..or the motorcycle guy hitting the top of the telephone pole...he was one of the lucky ones who walked away from the crash .Makes me feel sick to my stomach for these people every time. It happens a lot in the daytime as well. I've ran out to the road so many times since living here to offer assistance .It happens much more now since Barton school closed and the speed limit was raised. Too many Trucks now and driving so much faster than the speed limit !1- It has always been a high risk trying to walk(run) across the road where I live in Barton for my last 30 some years living here across from the former Barton School. Since the school closed ,the speed limit changed from 50 to 80 kms.hr. but traffic goes so much faster than the speed limit 2- I have always braced myself every time as I pull in or out of our driveway ...waiting to get hit by a car or truck .I look back before turning into the driveway to see if I'm going to get rammed from behind before i make it into our driveway! ..Every time
Cathy Specht
I have lived on this highway since 1970. Have seen many accidents including fatalities. I have been rear ended while waiting to turn into my driveway and several times each year I have stopped my turn into my driveway due to one of the vehicles from behind has hauled out and passed me. This past summer in less than two weeks there was three accidents. Usually when trying to slow down for the driveway either by me, husband or one of my three children you are being pushed along because no one will slow down. My husband has been hit on his driver side by someone pulling out and passing while he has started turning into the driveway. It is impossible to go for a walk because of the speed and people passing on the highway. It is impossible to go for a walk because of the speed and people passing on the highway. It is a dangerous stretch of highway. I have sent this email along to my children. Each of them has almost been struck on this highway on several occasions.
Oscar Cook
Long Time Resident
I live in Barton where I have seen many accidents and ambulances go by often. Traffic goes too fast for a community that lives by the highway with school busses stopping, garbage pick-up, etc. Way too dangerous. I live right beside North Range Rd, and have witnessed accidents in this area.
Judie Owens
The heavy traffic and huge trucks worry me, I have family and little grandkids who live on the highway in Plympton. You can hear the air breaks of the trucks, the drone of all those vehicles. Trying to cross the highway on foot with the small children is difficult- we’ve done this with our family… it’s unsafe. My observation is that people drive too fast on this highway, much faster than the posted limit.
Kathryn Allan
Bear River
Glad someone is trying once again to get the attention of government on this issue. I moved here #149 Highway 101 Marshalltown approximately 30 years ago and was told by many that the replacement 101 was going to be soon. Community members on this stretch of road have to put up with a much poorer quality of life. Those of us who enjoy small pleasures of walking and biking in our communities cannot do so without risking life and limb. Major traffic, noise and speed simply do not permit this kind of recreation. It is high risk. Approximately two years ago, I was biking through Brighton on the shoulder as far off the road as possible when a frenzied dog broke its chain and bounded across the road through major traffic and grabbed me by my arm, knocking me off the bike. Right after, the dog owner bounded across after the dog. The local Kings Transit bus and many more vehicles were able to stop just in time to prevent the dog and dog owner from getting killed. Today I still see it as a miracle that no one was killed. I myself required twenty plus stitches to sew up my arm. The scar is a constant reminder of what happened and what could have happened. I still have nightmares. YES. We need this highway replaced. Sincerely yours, Eleanor Gidney
Eleanor Gidney
Long Time Resident
The 101 highway is running through a community where the driveways intersect traffic going in excess of 100 klm. Every time I visit my sister in Gilbert's Cove, I have large transport trucks and traffic going so fast I have to either go out of my way to turn around and try from another angle or put on my flashers and hold my breath that I don't die. This is totally unacceptable; the residents’ lives do matter and this piece of highway needs to be by passed. No more excuses, the liability is on the province if there are any further deaths or property damage, we note the highway plan for NS for the next 5 years does not even mention this area. Putting your head in the sand and not managing this is insulting to your constituents.
Judy Thomas
Family Member
I have lived in Barton for most of my life. The amount of accidents on this stretch of highway is staggering. When I was younger it was quite a rare occurrence to encounter or hear tell of an accident around here. Nowadays with the high volume of traffic and crazy speeds people are driving it seams like it’s happening every other day. I have many vehicles in and out of my driveway in the run of a day. I’m located in Barton, on this now crazy, insanely busy highway 101. The speed and amount of traffic travelling by my house is ridiculous. Luckily there have been no major incidents in front of my place but I can’t count how many times I have heard the sounds of tires screeching as people try to stop, or I have looked out to see people locking up brakes, swerving around or peeling out quickly to prepare for the speeding and large lines of cars coming behind them. I have found especially this year with the construction both ways, the traffic is so busy it often takes 2 or 3 minutes just to get a break in traffic to leave my driveway. And when your lucky enough to proceed you need to be hard on the pedal to get up to the speed limit. Much like the Barton church parking lot it seams like every time I look in that direction it’s near miss after near miss. It’s too much and too fast, it’s just a matter of time before someone’s luck runs out in one of these driveways and someone is badly injured or worst! I don’t think this part of the 100 series highway was ever intended to support this many big rigs and vehicles on the road. Especially with the amount of homes from the middle cross road to Weymouth. I think we need a bypass and we need it sooner than later!
Bradley White
I commute from Halifax to Meteghan Station every week. This stretch is the most stressful part of the drive. I've had an ATV back out in the road in front of me while trying to plow his driveway
Tom Griffiths
Our home is within fifty feet of the existing highway #1 (101) at Civic # 8401 in Brighton. The large volume of traffic, including significant commercial trucking traffic passes our driveway in Brighton at an almost constant rate. While there are speed zones in place the traffic is consistently travelling at in excess of 80KMph, more normally in the 100 Kph range. Our driveway is not an exception and one has to exercise both patience and extreme caution to enter and merge into the traffic flow. This highway stretch from Marshalltown to Weymouth is not designed to accommodate both the commercial traffic as well as the safety of individual family homes lining both sies of this stretch of road. The initial move to a more limited access highway from Halifax to Yarmouth begun some 40 years ago recognized this in that plan. It is unfathomable as to why the break between Digby and Weymouth was actually made those 35 years ago when the 101 constructions actually stopped. It is obvious that through numerous government changes through these years there remains no political will or importance for the governments to do what is right. Will it take a catastrophic accident event like a Humbolt experience to cast enough public and political outcry to force the issue? Please persons in power and planning listen to your constituents and give these 101 projects the important place it deserves in the near future planning. There have been several severe two and three car accidents on the highway immediately in front of our home at Civic address #8401 in Brighton. Fortunately to date and to my knowledge only auto and property damage and no serious injury loss of life. Our home has been hit by a car veering off of the highway with on one occasion house and property damage of in excess of $20,000. Ourselves and other local residents can provide numerous examples of the near misses. The narrow road, the heavy vehicles, passenger cars, busses and in summer the tourist bicycle traffic - it will only be a matter of time until a major accident occurs. This is our 4 -5 month per year summer home and was my own growing up family home. This past summer it would often take several minutes to exit our driveway to merge into the constant traffic flow.
Reid & Heather Andrews
Several accidents and near misses in just 2 years of driving this road regularly. It is unsafe to have such a long high speed section running through residential zones, especially understanding that people will drive faster than the posted speed limit.
Jon Zwicker
Cornwallis Park
These villages are being put at risk daily by transport trucking firms, fish firms with produce on board that have a time frame to get to market, therefore they are driving as though they are on a highway 101 rather than in villages with school buses stopping for children, animals crossing in front of them, children playing on bikes, etc., the list is endless. Our government is portraying ignorance, to the people who elected them. Voters have long memories. This highway is not a 101, so why have government classed it as such, More lies that risk the lives of those who live here.------My families well being and safety Trying to get out of your driveway is a risky business Re; bus tours trying to get to the Ferry, lumber trucks with full loads held in place with wooden poles, Ambulance drivers with emergencies passing to get to Yarmouth, Tours of young people on Bikes having to get in the ditch. Also, trying to get into your driveway and not be hit from behind is a miracle.
Louella Haynes
DANGEROUS! I travel this road daily. It is treacherous. Trying to exit a driveway onto the road is taking your life in your hands….also noticeable increase in traffic!!!
Deborah Mackin
I have lived at #6724 in Gilbert’s Cove for 12 years. Both my husband and I have seen many accidents in our area over the years. People drive very fast by our house and usually overtake just before our driveway, heading towards Weymouth. This is why most in this area don’t dare walk on this stretch of road. It’s just too risky to be walking and have a car overtake another one, leaving inches between the walker and the car. Even to go to my mailbox which is at the bottom of my driveway, I look both ways before I dare step out to retrieve my mail. This is because one day I was standing at the mailbox and a car appeared from no where, flying down towards me as he passed another vehicle. Another day, I was in my car turning out of my driveway towards Digby. I had looked and all was clear in my lane. There were 4 other cars coming in the other lane heading towards Weymouth. I got a few metres up the road when the last car decided to pull out and pass the other cars. I had to pull over quickly while the other drivers tried to let him back their lane. Luckily, no collision that day. Just to make a left turn into our driveway is a scary experience. If I have to stop for oncoming traffic, I keep an eye on my rear view mirror, praying anyone coming behind me will see me. A lot of people are looking at our scenery to the right and not paying attention. Not long ago, we had a delivery man making a left turn into our driveway. There were two cars behind him. The first one stopped but the second one slammed into the back of the first one. The stories can go on and on. We need the 101 to be finished before more lives are lost or more people are injured. his part of the highway needs to be finished. There have been needless deaths and far too many accidents or close calls. It’s just not safe.
Liz Bennett
Gilbert's Cove
Trucks use their engine brakes day & night, ambulance, fire trucks, police driving with sirens day & night - I get it, they are in a job, however, there should be by-pass for this. Cars passing other cars, going down the hill at Gilberts Cove above the speed limit with no care for people living here. I pulled of the road at least 60 killed animals since I moved here; badgers, porcupines, cats and even beautiful little fox. My, not even 5-year-old pure bred Balinese cat [prices range from $700 - $1,500] - Astarte was murdered by a speeding car. She was a fixed rescue and awesome mouser.
Alzebeta Kovac-Coutts
To dangerous just trying to just go to Digby or Weymouth. I have worked as a farmer and forest worker then a school bus driver, for over 56 years. Daily I notice drivers and bike drivers speed like crazy, but no police to reward their efforts. Many times, waiting to turn into our driveway I must go to Barton school to turn and come back because a b-train comes around the turn above our driveway. Not a good feeling
Ivan Bain
School Bus Driver
Many times, I have witnessed car accidents along this road which has slowed traffic to a stop or crawl for hours at a time. There is also no where to pass other slow-moving vehicles along this stretch or one does so at great risk.
Kristene Murdock
Too fast of speed for residential area. My daughter (who is 5) and myself have almost been hit multiple times crossing the highway to get her on the bus in the mornings. People are frequently not respecting the yellow lights to slow down and have even passed the bus (with red lights and stop sign out) as I was coming around the front of the bus. It’s been months of this with the bus stopping multiple times on this highway for other children and the traffic being ignorant to the fact that these children are our feature. I think construction works are treated with more respect than the children and I’m extremely disheartened by the lack of empathy of other citizens (especially the ones who take this route daily and know what to expect at 7am).
Rachel Graham
Mother & Resident
Safety first and peace, secondly. The school bus drops off and picks up by my driveway. Countless times I have seen tractor trailers have to brake dangerously and swerve to avoid hitting a bus or, worse, children. School buses do not belong on the only major commercial route between Halifax and Yarmouth. It’s as simple as that! I grew up in Bear River and bought my property on St Mary’s Bay in Brighton in 1979. In those days the traffic on the highway wasn’t all that bad but as everyone knows, with the building of the 101, it has grown exponentially ever since. The first meeting I remember attending regarding the completion of the 101 was, I believe, in the early 90’s. About the only thing I remember about that meeting was my asking the question as to when they guessed the highway would be completed. The leader of the meeting said that he figured it would take 5 years. We, the attendees, were very surprised that it could possibly take that long. So little did we know. I subsequently wrote numerous letters to the editor of the Chronicle Herald about this subject. I attended a meeting about this with Jill Balser last summer and I printed all the letters I could find on my computer that I had written about this and took them with me in a folder. Matt Ross requested and has that folder for reference purposes. At one point Preston Andrews (I believe) had traveled the unfinished section and made a record of the number of driveways entering the road, the number of businesses with patrons entering and leaving from and to the road, the school buses, postal and delivery vehicles etc. I included that information in my letter and I think it had an impact but I’m sure it would be quite outdated at this point. I’ve pretty much given up on my letters having any impact on the timeline but, of course, I’d still love to see the highway completed so if I can help at all, feel free to contact me.
Randy Brennan
Resident - School Bus Stop
We have lived on this section of Hwy#1 for over 30 years. In that time there has been promises broken and narratives fabricated to basically result in putting all the people who live in the Villages of Marshalltown, Brighton, Barton, Plympton, Gilberts Cove and Ashmore in great harms way. We have witnessed first hand the human cost to this disrespectful neglect by our government to complete the Provincial 100 hwy series which are designed for high speed, industrial vehicles that require there be limited access to the highway in which they are operating. Our old Rte 1 village road does not meet even one of the criteria for to be labelled a Hwy 101; but that is exactly what has happened. Who decided to simply change a label on the highway from Rte #1 to Hwy 101 and think that "solution" would bring anything but the absolute terror to all concerned that use this highway or who live by it? Industrial vehicles cannot stop on a dime. They pay heavy road taxes and need and deserve a proper Hwy 101. With this pretend Hwy 101 we have had children killed getting off the bus, we have had countless accidents of rear-ending the cars in front of them who wished to turn into their driveways, sideswiping of driver’s side when turning into their driveways while someone wishes to pass by them and pedestrian accidents and so the list goes. Five years ago, we were coming from Weymouth to our home in Gilberts Cove and stopped at the top of the hill to turn to the left into our driveway. Cars were in a long line coming from Digby and when my husband looked in the rearview mirror, he saw a huge transport truck just a bombing along and he was not going to stop. My husband moved the car to the middle line so we were half and half on each side of the highway. The cars coming did not slow down, but they did safely go by us. And the miracle was the huge truck was able to pass us on the passenger side because of the huge driveways which were linked together on the right. We also were driving home from a walk in the park and put our signal on to go into our driveway on the waterside and were side-swiped by a vehicle racing along from behind, what if we had slowed down to go into our drive? Examples that we personally know: Brighton - rental local young woman with bright future ahead of her stops to turn into her home with proper-signal- notice. The cars behind her, rammed into the back of her car and she was seriously injured. For a year she had to go for physical and mental support from such a shock. She now has moved to another Province. Barton - Japanese Gallery has seen three serious accidents in front of it. One accident had a woman end up cracking the telephone pole, and flying into the tops of the trees in the ravine on the property. Another accident happened in the middle of the night a couple of years ago and the tenant woke up to a huge crash sound and before morning glowed light the pole was replaced again and the car was no where to be seen, just some shards from the crash. This past summer a deer came out from the woods and the senior in her car and the truck behind her both had damage from the accident. The shock to the lady, the two EHS vehicles, police, firetrucks and EMS to remove the deer from the road all cost us the taxpayers. How much loss do we need to experience, how many deaths do we need to have 4 ?10? so that this has some import to those who make decisions about doing the simple act of finishing these 101 highways? Plympton - early fall 2023 By the post office of Plympton the main highway was closed and a detour through French Road was set up due to a death on the highway further up the road. We were quite shocked. We returned home later in the afternoon and again we were meeting a closure of the highway by the Plympton Post Office and this time there was a crash with a car on fire. The cost and responsibility to families, community and to the victims of this highway -to -hell is heavy in all terms of costs. Why is the entire 100 series finished except for this tiny section - why? Money is not the issue as they were about to do the project for sure in 2017 according to what we read.
Klaus & Shirley Langpohl
Long Time Residents
Dangerous highway between Digby and Weymouth. School buses and 90 kilometer speed limits don’t mix
Paul Reddick
Church Point
Safety, there are several intersections on the highway between Weymouth and Marshalltown that require vehicles to slow to 5 - 10 kph to make a 90 degree turn to a side road. In particular the intersection at Hwy 1 and French road is a location that on average has several rear end collisions per year. Having lived on that corner and being involved in the aftermath of quite a few collisions there, I sincerely believe the volume of traffic and the speed at which vehicles tend to travel on the section connecting the limited access highway create a hazard to drivers and pedestrians.
Richard Foote
Stop people from dying - Road rage from speeders mad when you want to go the speed limit. Calling the Evangeline Trail, the "Highway 101" is a sign that gives the government permission to forget that the road from Marshalltown to Ashmore is actually a residential community. We have school busses, mail delivery, Garbage pickup, kids, pets, road crews, and hundreds of 90 degree turn offs that need to be taken slowly, hundreds of hidden driveways and all where we have curves, hills and sudden events. Trucks have a job to do, it is against their nature to go slow on any a so-called provincial highway... Can you imagine if a wheel flew off a truck? That could be sudden death to anyone in a house punctured by a flying tire. That the province does not have our bypass in their announced official plans is a sign of blatant disregard for the safety of our community and the drivers who pass by in ever-increasing numbers.
Dan White
Obviously, this section of the old Highway 1 is a residential road with big name. I can't count how many times I have proceeded to pull out of my driveway, only to have to brake suddenly due to a highway speed moving vehicle appears over the horizon. Luckily, I have not been in a collision...yet. I would like this Bypass completed for the purpose of keeping the area as a safer residential driving zone. Safer pulling in and out of the driveways and safer for those who walk to friends homes and the post offices. Pulling in and out of the residential driveways on this stretch is clearly dangerous. Over the years, I have seen and heard of accidents involving vehicles moving at high speeds and vehicles entering/exiting residential driveways. Just last month my neighbor was rear ended as she was turning into her home. As I do, she was signaling and slowing way in advance to ensure the driver behind her did not collide with her car. He did not slow down in time. Luckily, she or her child was not injured, but what about next month? What about the next drive way?
Charles Batstone
I feel that this area of highway is just as dangerous if not more so due to the configuration of the highway at the turnoff to Marshalltown as well as the change in speed zone. This needs to change and the completion of the highway done! There have been a number of accidents in the Ashmore/Plympton area due to the low visibility at junctions in 2023 and the loss of life is climbing. It is only going to be a matter of time before a catastrophic Loss will occur where the Highway 101 ends and #1 begins coming from Digby.
Christy Allen Mullen
I can't believe what this community has been dealing with in terms of the danger and risk on this road. I am constantly living in fear of entering or leaving my driveway. Speeding cars going round on the non existent shoulder, vehicles aggressively driving through the community way above the posted speed limits. Trucks, tractor trailers loaded down with logs, all the lobster shipments passing through the community. All the trucks with deliveries going to Yarmouth raging through this community. This has gone on long enough. No matter what issues there are in the Province with gridlock or traffic delays - it is not as important as the risk to safety for this community. The government has made a big mistake here that needs to be course corrected immediately.
Julie Ann White
For safety. One day when I was volunteering with the Brighton Barton Fire Dept, we almost got t-boned by a speeding truck! Oh, and I was volunteering as Santa Claus. So Santa almost got t-boned in a fire truck before Christmas.
William McCormick
There are far too many people speeding. Numerous times, coming home from Digby and turning left to go into my driveway in Gilbert’s Cove, I’ve nearly been rear ended by people travelling too fast. There have been many accidents, including a fatality, in the 12 years I have lived here. Plus, the number of transport trucks using their engine coming down the hill at all hours of the day and night is annoying and ridiculous. Hence, joining the 101 in Marshalltown to Weymouth needs to be completed. This would eliminate a lot of problems and accidents.
Thomas Bennett
I have seen many accidents in the 35 years I have lived here, a few in my yard at my door step. I can’t even walk on the road, so many big trucks and vehicles drive way too fast.
Lynette Wagner
I agree, “ghost highway”, multiple fatalities, severe physical and mental injuries have occurred along this stretch. As a 30 year nurse working in the ER, myself and colleagues have cared for the victims and their families. It is a traumatic event that leaves no ones memory. It’s a danger to all residents of all ages residing, to all utility personal and to all people that just want to get from point A to point B safely and quickly with minimal distractions. Action is needed now for the “ghost highway” it is a death trap. Thank you for collecting data.
Darlene Cook
ER Nurse - Resident
Safety is my biggest concern. I’ve attended many accidents on this highway as a front line volunteer. Something has to be done because there are more accidents with each coming year
Angela Cromwell
Front Line Volunteer - Resident
Reduce traffic. I've seen many accidents on this road
Stephen Martel
Safety a priority. The twists and turns are dangerous.
Reigh M. Smith
It can be a bottleneck at certain times of the day. Especially when you have big trucks coming and going from Shelburne & Yarmouth County Fish Plants to the Digby Ferry. Slow moving traffic at times. Cars turning off and on the road with no signal light turn notification. Cars stopping at the last minute to pick up mail or just to sight see.
Stephen Taylor
It's long overdue. This piece of road is dangerous. Unsafe passing. My nephew almost lost his life when an 18 wheeler was across the road backing up into a driveway. He was driving to Halifax and ran into said truck and totaled his vehicle. By a miracle he survived.
Gaudet Vernisia
People constantly driving at high speed and ignoring speed limits. This is a very treacherous stretch of road. It is a residential district from one end of the road to the other. It is the only unfinished part of Highway 101 from Halifax to Yarmouth. School busses travel this road dropping off and picking up school kids mornings and nights. It is a tragedy waiting to happen. It needs to be done now.
Ronald Boudreau
For the past forty years I drove a tractor trailer on this section of highway. When you have to continuously stop for school busses, garage trucks, mail delivery vehicles and everybody stopped waiting to turn into their driveway it makes for a very unsafe road. This is differently not a 100 series highway and should not have been designated as one. Although I have never had a accident on this road, I have had many close calls.
Donald Weir
South Range
Safety!! Seen too many of my friends hurt or killed!
Darlene Deon
Being from Meteghan NS I travel this road continuously for my work with Coast Guard and get bused all over the province for my crew changes so I see first hand every where else in the province that the highway is being twinned while this section in my end of the province where the most lucrative fishing industry in all of Canada uses this strip of road to get there products to market. So with all the tax revenue the industry generates why is it not a priority???? My personal opinion is that the delay is a political problem caused by patronage
Daniel Amirault
This is an unsafe section of roadway due to speeding automobile traffic and heavy trucks traveling to and from Yarmouth. With highway 101 completed and the subsequent reduction in traffic, the speed limit could be reduced, and the area even promoted as a good community to raise a family. While I haven't had any close calls, the traffic appears to be endless, which is not good considering how many private homes there are.
John Marshall
I live in Digby but use the road to Yarmouth often ,I feel for the people living in the villages that see vehicles racing along a narrow road with no consideration for others ! I’d hate to live there ! Just that some drivers have no consideration for home owners ,or other local traffic tearing through these small villages !
Lynda Griggs
I travel this way regularly and it’s always stressful especially at night.
Pierre Comeau
Meteghan River
For safety of all travelers on this stretch of road. People driving over speed limit and taking chances to pass other cars on this stretch of road. Big log trucks, garbage pick up, transportation of food stuffs in and out including seafoods, tourists trying to see the bay views. Frustration and fear.
Odette Comeau
Safety. There has been many casualties on this road.
Mary Blanchard
Smiths Cove
Needs to be done for safety.
Charmaine Greenlaw
Too many accidents on that stretch of road, I travel that road almost daily. People don’t slow down
Alice Amero
Highway is not safe. Too many people have died. It’s time to fix the problem.
Gerry Boudreau
It’s very dangerous with lots of blind hills and driveways. have come over the top of a hill on my motorcycle to suddenly have to hit the brakes because someone had pulled part way out of their driveway and stop because of a car coming from the other direction. I had no where to go. I was lucky to stop in time.
John Muise
I find it very confusing with the new construction right before Digby. At night I have found myself on the other side of the road, not seeing where I was supposed to go! I have asked others if they had the same problem and they said they had the same issue or were witness to other close call accidents. I cant believe this was approved. Its a major accident zone waiting to happen.
Gwen LeBlanc
Lower Wedgeport, Yarmouth
I live along the highway and I always fear that I will get hit just turning into my own driveway. I have watched cars racing along this road like it is a speedway, no care for anyone else on the road. We were almost hit my a truck passing a transport truck on a blind hill. We had to slow almost to a stop so we weren’t hit. I watched another vehicle, who was speeding, pass a car, meet another vehicle who had to almost go into the ditch to avoid a head on collision.
Pamela Melanson
Safety first!! The curve near Digby is dangerous at night especially if you don’t know the road. I was almost hit head on in Plympton by an SUV. I had to get around it and the other car flipped in the ditch on my side of the road.
Judy Mullen
It’s scary to drive there knowing there are so many accidents. You can't trust any cars and often have to account for delays due to accidents or slow drivers (causing some to pass dangerously). I also passed up an opportunity to work at the Digby hospital because I did not want to drive that “highway” daily. With the added winter conditions, it’s too risky to attempt. Divers passing slow moving vehicles in safely to get to their destination because it’s a long stretch of winding roads. Too many near misses from people pulling out of driveways or stopping abruptly to pull into driveways
Kaitlyn Comeau
Too many accidents. Lots of accidents
Anthony Meuse
Belliveau Cove
This is a very dangerous section of highway . It needs to be addressed immediately. It is time the politicians stand up and take care of this problem. Too many people have been killed on this stretch of highway. My wife and I nearly lost our life on this stretch of highway. We were on a motorcycle driving and a school bus was stopped in front of us letting children off ,the bus lights were flashing and a tractor trailer was behind us . He was approaching the dip at Brighton where you can't see what is going on up ahead . When he topped the hill he was hammer down . He put on his trailer brakes but due to his speed and distance he was unable to stop in time . So to avoid rear ending the school bus and slamming us into the back of the school bus he pulled into the oncoming lane . Thankfully there was no traffic in that lane I drove my motorcycle on the right side of the bus and stopped just before the door opening .The bus driver saw what was happening and he kept the door closed and keep the children in their seats . When the truck finally stopped he was at the front of the bus. I am not sure how many children was on the bus including the driver but there could have been many deaths that day if things hadn't happened the way they did.
Gary Warren
It is very unsafe, truckers trying to make time we need action not words. Tractor-trailer driving through the communities is very dangerous not to mention the congestion of traffic.
Claude Morrell
Bear River
I've seen so many accidents driving this road its unbelievable they promised the finish to this stretch of the 101 for 50 years . It's time for the provincial government to care about the well being of its citizens. I had a tractor trailer run me almost off the road because he couldn't negotiate the snake in the turn by the first Crossroad
Randall Isles
I Drive this stretch of highway on a weekly basis and I always have to be extra careful due to vehicles coming onto the road and blind crests all the way from Weymouth north to Marshalltown !!!! I've been cut off in Barton and almost been hit head on with not enough passing lane for oncoming traffic which was passing cars on opposite side of the road its not safe for a 101 highway its (rural area) it needs attention now....
Dale Dugas
So I can safely travel to and from my driveway with out almost causing an accident every time I leave my house...now when is the gathering at Jill Balsers office for this and our healthcare. We cannot even walk the side of the road without cars speeding by you by inches sometimes.
Walter Scott
Unsafe speeds in our community. Excessive speeds
Paul Chenard
It will be safer, and save time. I travel this many times each week. It’s a problem for many children walking the narrow shoulder to get to a bus stop with people at times going 100, inches from them. This is 10 months a year, including when snow is keeping them even closer to the road. NOT SAFE!!! A fatality may occur any day .
Wanda Fuller
Salmon River
Safety - Too Many Accident's
Claude Comeau
My neighbour suffered critical injuries in a collision with a vehicle that was turning. He will never completely recover and uncontrolled access was the main cause. I have personally experienced a number of close calls on this stretch of roadway including taking extreme evasive action to avoid broad siding a family in a vehicle that entered the highway in a momentary lapse of attention. I have been lucky. If this was anywhere else in the province it would already be on the books. At a time when highways were being twinned elsewhere this end of the province had been neglected.
Gil Dares
I do a lot of travel on the 101 and the bypass would be so much safer, especially in winter Plus the "snake" that was installed to join the 101 back to the 1 is a future death trap. Cars trying to pass slower moving vehicles, there are very few places to do it safely that people take unnecessary chances
Hugh Taylor
Pleasant Lake
Should have been done years ago. If this was near the HRM, we would have it done 25 years ago. Almost hitting people pulling out of their driveways. Also idiots passing where there should be no passing!
Lynda Hixson
I live on this highway. My house is dangerously close to the road. People drive at excessive speeds, often more than the posted speed limit. Accidents happen right outside my doorstep. People tailgate and are impatient which makes it scary to slow down to turn into my driveway. I’m afraid to walk 2 houses down to go to the post office as I might get run over.
Michelle Spruce
I really think it will be alot safe for drivers. Tire got damaged. My health isn’t the best and it hurts driving on the it and hurts sometimes really bad Sometimes the holes are so bad going to damage the vehicle again or accident. Might not have anything to do with it. But the roads are also unsafe which I live on
Christine Klomp
It is a major highway going though residential neighborhoods, dangerous for entering and exiting driveways and pedestrians. People often driving faster than the speed limit
Theresa Sherwood
Lake Midway
I turn off highway 101 each day in Barton. Traffic buildup and stopped cars make this unsafe. Having a car behind you slam on the brakes even though you signaled ahead but had to wait for oncoming traffic. Thank goodness the road was dry!!
Colin McElrea
North Range, Barton
Scary as hell if you have to turn left, speed of traffic coming at you and behind you if you are a few miles from Digby or Weymouth exits, cars coming out of driveways and truckers rigs, line up of cars, it's frightening!
Denise Stuart
Church Point
Too many close calls by people pulling out of their driveways. Almost hit people pulling out of their driveways. It is like they don’t look first
Tom Hixson
This highway is a main route to and from Digby county to the rest of the province of Nova Scotia. The only way to get to Clare and Yarmouth from Digby. I have been tailgated daily on this stretch of road on my way to and especially from work. I drive to Digby from Clare daily six days a week. I have been passed by huge trucks on a double line!! So scary especially in the rain at night. I drive the speed limit and no higher. But trucks and SUVs don’t. They have one speed- Fast! It’s so dangerous. I can’t wait for a highway like from exit 28 to Yarmouth. It’s essential for safety.
Sharon Morand
It is almost an insult that they can twin the other highways why after all this time they can’t complete this section of highway. In 2011 my mother inlaws vehicle was struck while pulling into her driveway by a speeding driver with our 9 year old son in the backseat.
Dean Jones
Every year multiple accidents have happened on route 1 especially around the Gilberts Cove stretch Many fatal. Why is our area ignored when other parts of the province are having their highways twined? I have heard empty promises for over 40 years and almost laugh now when I read the latest. We all know of somebody who was killed on Route#1 where there is no 101 highway.
Marc Graff
Church Point
This bypass is long over due. It is the final section of 101 that is not at 100 series standard. The current highway is extremely dangerous with full access from driveways, businesses, Churches, etc. I have been passed in no passing sections due to the lack passing lanes and the low speed zones. I have had vehicles turn out of driveways in front of me or come to a quick stop to turn off. And the current intersection in Marshalltown is so poorly designed it will cause a fatal accident.
Michael MacDonald
With the amount of traffic, and speed of some drivers, this is a road of hell. Seen multiple times cars stopped to turn in a driveway. Car behind not paying attention, and just stopping in time to not smash into car that is turning
Carlene Stark
This busy road should be a limited access highway. Currently it is very dangerous. I have observed several accidents over recent years and narrowly avoided being involved myself.
Nigel Rollo
Smiths Cove
For the safety of everyone that travels that highway. Cars pulling out in front of us and people passing when it is not safe to do so!
Mary Ella d'Entremont
Travelling that highway is a nightmare. We were supposed to get a 100 series highway from Weymouth to Digby and we have waited long enough. No safe place to pass. School bus stops and even when the garbage truck is doing is route, it’s so dangerous
Sheila Doucette
New Edinburgh
Reduce the amount of traffic especially big trucks that travel at high rate of speed. I have been almost hit several times just turning into my driveway Had people pass me as I was turning and had to stop of ne hit on drivers door
Duncan Paterson
Gilberts Cove
I live on the 101 in Marshalltown just a little past the Middle Cross Rd. The Speed of the traffic going by my place is insane most of the time. I am very surprised there has not been a serious accident. I have witnessed kids almost be hit by traffic while waiting for the school bus near my home. The big rig traffic is terrible since they don't slow down in the slightest.
Matthew Henshaw
Marshalltown, Digby
The government needs to fulfill their highway promise to the people living on the #1 / #101 for a safe and reliable transportation system. There are several dangerous areas of this #1/#101 highway that are beyond safe at near highway speeds in residential areas. This needs to be resolved ASAP.
James Goucher
Completing this stretch of highway would make it a true 101. The need to arrive at destinations on time are difficult to calculate simply due to travelling through a residential community and reducing speeds to accommodate the necessary speed limits for safe pass through. A bypass has been and is still necessary and more urgent now than more than ever. This end of the province has been neglected and left behind for far to long. There is a great opportunity for growth and prosperity in this end of the province but we need to be connected to the rest of the province in order to make this happen. For once make the highways and infustructure first so it can enable growth for a better future for this end of the province.
Fayeona Fancy
Annapolis Royal
It's very dangerous, people are passing at double lines and driving why to fast. Every drive from Weymouth to Digby is dangerous
Sue Jones
Travel this stretch often and there’s been many accidents on this section and fatalities. Have seen many cars passing other cars barely making it .
Patrick & Floreen Brittain
Safety! Stop the carnage. The current situation is dangerous. There’s too much traffic in this stretch of road for a residential area. It’s dangerous for kids getting on and off school buses. People can’t walk safely on the side of the road. Truck traffic is heavy. And they drive fast.
Paul Morris
I am a senior. I live on the 101 on a blind crest. I feel I take my life into my hands every time I leave in my car. No one will visit because of the danger. People drive well over the speed limit. The increase in the number of transport and logging trucks is shocking. It is a game of chance for alot of us navigating this part of the highway. Honour your word government people! COMPLETE THE BYPASS...PLEASE!
Kim Craig
I have seen vehicles passing on double lines with on coming traffic, close to head on. Also have seen vehicles passing school buses with the red lights flashing and children on the side of the road. There has been way too many accidents with loss of life and injuries over the years. There is more traffic every year. Time to finish the only section of the 101 not completed.
Curtis Weir
I have seen a couple of seriously injured people..............This highway is our only way to Digby and farther East and we have encountered so many accidents on this stretch of road. Please fix!
Pamela Morris
Church Point
Poor experience on this road
Lara Waltham
Bear River
We travel this highway at least 2 times a week and it is dangerous. High volume traffic with too many access points. Lots of near misses.
Ronald Gagnon
Near misses in Gilbert’s Cove Busy traffic with logging trucks No passing lanes People passing with solid line Heavy equipment, transport trucks make local traffic unsafe
Helen Thibodeau
Save the dangers of drivers cutting off others on the highway leaving from their home. Help the time as well to travel. Cutting off by older people who can't see; the sun also big factor as they cannot see
Natalie Robichaud
Way over due. Poor places to pass and traffic entering and exiting from homes, stores etc.
Louis Theriault
New Edinburgh
It should have been done when the 101 was being done from the Annapolis valley to Yarmouth. This is NOT Highway 101 Digby to Weymouth North, This is a Ghost Highway – a Highway of Hell.
Cedric maillet
Meteghan River
This highway is a series of accidents waiting to happen and have happened. It travels thru communities. It should be replaced by a highway bypass to provide a safer transportation route for our people and industries. This is a winding road with rolling hills passing thru vibrant rural communities. The buildings are close to the road, there are retail businesses, churches and schools on this route. Speed limits move up and down, sometimes signs not noticeable. Animals, people, side traffic all serve to provide distractions. This is a Main Street through our rural communities, not a transportation conduit.
Luanne Killam
Grosses Coques
Too many accidents in the area they think it is a race track. Passing where it is double lines and driving fast
Yvonne Mullen
It's dangerous! Coming from Weymouth direction and turning left on to the Middle Cross Road is a death trap! Someone is going to be badly hurt or killed there. They should have at least put a left turn lane in there! Almost got rear-ended turning left on to the Middle Cross Road.
Luanne Thurber-Titus
Central Grove
Not enough lighting.. very busy road. People speeding.. so dangerous. Almost rear ended pulling in drive way
Sandra Height
I have driven this section of highway at the posted limit and have been passed by multiple vehicles and the drivers shaking their heads while giving me looks that I must be crazy for driving so slow. Twinned highways help ensure fewer fatalities, also getting traffic off the #1 allows residents to feel more relaxed without thinking of the next deadly accident in front of their home.
Russell Gaudet
Very dangerous road we are always last to get the highway done. Very dangerous road
Leonard Leblanc
Grosses Coques, Clare
I Live in Plympton . I have a hill about 100 feet from my driveway. It is nerve wracking turning out of my drive way and trying to get to 90 to ensure a transport doesn’t come over the hill doing 120
Kathleen Doucette
Too many accidents on that section of highway. Not safe with a school bus. New connection in Marshalltown is very dangerous especially in Winter where you can’t figure the many curves between the 101 and Hwy 1. 30 years promises from the govt. only section that was never completed because to far from Halifax.
Gilles Desautels
Meteghan River
We have been living on this highway for the past 13 years. We experienced just how dangerous this road is when our young rescue Russell terrier was hit by a car speeding past our home. No one stopped. Having traffic speeding past residential homes just makes No sense. We have seen other accidents and close calls. It’s common knowledge that it’s only a matter of time. The bypass is essential to the safety of our community.
Geoffrey LeBlanc
I travel this everyday for work. Big trucks going too fast People walking along shoulder in roads that have an 80-90 km/hr
Chantale leblanc
Belliveau Cove
That section of highway is extremely dangerous. I have seen many accidents or almost accidents. Some drivers don't slow down for other drivers who are turning into other roads or driveways.
Trisha Bing
It is confusing and unsafe the key word here is unsafe! The rapid change in speed, S curves.
Keith Power
Meteghan River
It’s definitely a safety concern for all people living in the communities. Very few vehicles drive at the posted speeds
Alicia O'Neil
I have seen too many crashed cars on the side of this highway. And heard of too many injuries. I've been driving 90 in the 80 zones and had vehicles pass me as if I was standing still. Safety. Too many speed on the sections that are 80km and no one slows down for hidden driveways or blind crests
Curtis Robicheau
It's a terrible stretch of road with lots of traffic big 18 wheeler travel this road. Lots of houses not meant to be a 100 series highway!!! People traveling on this road drive to fast even with the posted 80 - 90 speed limit never was meant to be a 100 series highway. I feel on this end of the province Digby/ Yarmouth area we are ignored the forgotten end of Nova Scotia we where suppose to have this road work done many many moons ago ,but like I say we are the forgotten end of the province.
Janine Sanford
Meteghan River
It is dangerous. My parents live in Brighton on a blind hill. I am terrified that one of these days someone is going to be flying down that hill and hit anyone turning into the driveway. Once when the buses ran, I stopped the bus to get off and a car hit the back of the buss because it was going to fast to stop.
Karen Morrell
Safety! Had many near-accidents in that area.
Karl O'Neil
Church Point
Dangerous traffic flow. There is a corner that is really bad in the winter, water is always running across the road, there is also a long stretch that people are always passing and if you come out of your drive way it’s very dangerous. Also pulling into my road is dangerous as the road is around a corner just after a blind spot. You have to put your blinker on way ahead of the corner. I’ve actually had to pull off the side of the road because traffic behind me was going too fast to slow down and stop where I needed to pull in
Crystal Stewart
I have experienced multiple times having to wait behind a vehicle which simply wants to cross into his driveway, having to wait behind and seeing other cars coming at you, all you can do is hope they see you and stop intime. Very dangerous situation, more so for the locals having to do this every day. In the last several years this section of highway has become busier than ever and thus extremely dangerous. You come off a 100 km/ hour down to a 90 and an 80, with school busses picking up or leaving children on the side of the road, cars stopped in the middle of the road waiting for a gap in traffic to cross over into their driveway, and then you get behind really slow drivers with no places to pass safely, all this happening on a stretch of road being the continuation of the 101 NS highway system making this stretch of highway extremely dangerous for the locals and drivers alike. This is the last section of the 101 yet to be completed, we have been patiently waiting for too long, it must be addressed now.
Everet Titus
Highway 1 with all the driveways is very dangerous. We have witnessed accidents over the years as well as near-accidents.
Denise Comeau
I live along this section, it is completely unsafe to continue with it being the only connection to the actual highway. Nobody drives under 100km most at 120km. Too many accidents to count and with a higher population many more cars travel through here now. It's time to make this a rural road again! Cars fly by my home at unsafe unlegal speeds everyday. Cars don't stop for school busses and people pass in non passing zones. Too much traffic.
Nicole Wambolt
Highway is old route cut out during pioneered era. This route carries all the traffic from and to Halifax/Yarmouth.
Calixte J. Thibodeau
Meteghan River
I am a REALTOR and show and list houses on this stretch. Need I say more? Dangerous 101 when trying to find someone's house.
Lucy Muszkie
Bear River
I live on Hwy 101 in Plympton and the speed with which the traffic goes by is so dangerous. It is difficult to pull in or out of our laneway. We purchased this house in Plympton in August of this year. It was actually stated in the real estate listing that the Hwy 101 was being moved as an incentive to buy the place. We found out after the purchase that it was suppose to be moved over 30 years ago and there has been no movement on this relocation of the Highway. To my understanding the land was purchased 30 years ago for this relocation of the highway and nothing has happened since then. My husband fears for his life mowing the lawn that is only a few feet away from the side of the highway with the speed of the vehicles going by. Our Lawn butts up against the side of the road with a deep drop down to our property. There should at least be a guard rail along that stretch of the road. The night time seems to be the worse for speeding. We can see and hear the cars go by as if they are on a race track. They whiz by with no care in the world. In the months we have lived here we have not seen one single vehicle stopped by authorities along this stretch of the road. When we have to turn into our lane way we are never sure if the car/truck is going to slow down enough. The road happens to be on a slight incline headed towards the Plympton Post office from our place with double lanes and 99% of the time the vehicle behind us when we are trying to turn pulls around us and passes us on that slight hill over double lines. We are just waiting for an accident to happen. With all of these lane ways having to enter traffic going well over the speed limit I am shocked there have not been more accidents. I guess it will take a few more lives for someone to move forward on the relocation of Hwy 101. In the meant time maybe lowering the speed limit to 60 going through Plympton might help a little but only if it will be monitored by authorities. Lets get this Hwy moved and let us live without the speed way going by our houses on a daily basis.
Brenda Johnson
Safety. Own property on Hwy 101 in Brighton and it is extremely dangerous trying to back trailers, equipment, etc off the highway into our driveway. It is also very dangerous for us to safely exit our driveway without being rear-ended from fast moving vehicles. Can’t go from zero to 120 km/hr instantly.
Susan Specht
For all the obvious reasons. Unsafe, time consuming, ridiculous.. Too many to list. Speeders, people passing where they shouldn't,
Stephen Whiteland
People have had many accidents, and been killed on this section since 30 years ago that I can remember. It has been promised for years. It is dangerous as it exists now. Obviously evaluations for the need have been carried out decades ago, but not heeded to. Therefore we shouldn't wait any longer.
Eliza Desmarais
Drive through very often it’s very dangerous. have seen and heard of many accidents and fatalities in the last decade alone
Justin Deveau
It is dangerous. I was coming from Plympton and stopped with my signal light on to turn into Savory Park, good thing I looked in my side mirror cause just as I was to turn, a car came zooming from behind to pass the line of 6 cars that had stopped behind me to allow me to turn. Not safe on that road at all.
Wendy Fortune
Too dangerous. people are driving faster on a residential road. People are passing and not paying attention to driveways
Marc Boudreau
I drive this stretch of highway often enough and every time, especially in the winter, I am terrified I will get in an accident. There have been far too many accidents in this area and there will continue to be accidents if nothing is done. How many people have to die before something is done?
Sarah LeBlanc
Salmon River
This is a very dangerous section of the highway being that it is in a residential area. Nearly got rear ended while waiting to pull into a driveway.
Jocelyne Comeau
Meteghan River
People do not slow down and create dangerous conditions for motorists and pedestrians. I feel very bad for the people who live along this road.
Jeffrey Barr
Two accidents in a single Day at The same turn off. Not good. It has been too long without this. Too much traffic on a rural road has lead to many accidents
Shawn Jordan
Witnessed lots of near misses throughout the years, very slow driving. This half hour section of road between Digby and weymouth has lots of hills, blind spots, with very few passing lanes. Seen lots of near misses throughout the years. Very dangerous section
Lisa Cosgrove
After over 60 years it just about time Nova Scotia finally finished the 100 series highways, even if it is just to the original, now grossly outdated standards. Aside from the fact that these roads are simply unsafe by modern standards, it’s frankly embarrassing that it has taken so long! Shame!
Gerry Curry
Cedar Lake
It’s supposed to be a provincial highway through the province not a secondary road. Not safe for the homes along the highway’ or the cars having to drop down from 100 to 80 or 90 and no where to pass. I’m in Yarmouth Co and have to travel weekly through that area. Unsafe stretch of highway. Should not have to drive through a community on a 100 series highway. No passing lanes
Barbara Blauvelt
Logging trucks , school buses , tourist traffic and the daily traffic flow between Digby and Weymouth warrants its completion. It’s a vital link from Digby to Weymouth . The daily traffic flow warrants it and once tourists arrive, it’s even more unsafe . Save lives and Respect the area and the people who live here .
Joe Veinot
Bay View
Since moving here I have seen so many accidents and fatalities occur. I’ve been the slower driver around the curves and nearly been rear ended or witness to completely unsafe passes along this stretch.
Patricia Killins
Smith's Cove
I have seen vehicles almost being hit while trying to get out of their driveway. The high speed that vechiles travel on this road is very dangerous for the people who live along it.
Michelle Moore
I’ve seen multiple accidents happen on that highway and almost accidents because people want to pull into their driveways and people are trying to pass cars. It’s very dangerous. That highway is very dangerous because people are pulling into their houses and theirs to much traffic on that road.
Clarice Belliveau
Belliveau Cove
I’ve seen the aftermath of accidents and near accidents by Wagners Country Store, the Plympton and Barton Post offices. Wrong! The speed of the 18 wheelers is terrifying and continuing danger to me and my many friends as we try to live our lives. I have lived on the 101 in Plympton. Noisy, scary, dangerous! Trying to cross the road, or going and out of my drive was a non stop nightmare.
Sally Sockett
I would like to be able to walk along the roadway. I am on a dead end road in Ashmore, I would like to take my bike out or walk and I can't go anywhere without a car. It is to dangerous to walk or bike because of no adequate shoulders and traffic and transport trailers driving at high speeds. I feel trapped. Speeds should be reduced a swell. I try to turn out from our road (Kinney in Ashmore) and have to gun it before I get hit by an oncoming vehicle.
Susan Hard
Dangerous to have vehicles stopped in the middle of a highway to exit or enter at high speeds. Save time and lives
Regan Murphy
Know people who witnessed a lot of MVA .
Brianne Blinn
Little Brook
They have been promised it would be built since the 1980 instead they keep putting patches on a road that shouldn't be used as a 100 series highway. It's only a second series highway. I have been cut of before wile driving between Weymouth north and Digby. Because there are so many hidden driveways and sharp turns in the road. And blind hills.
John Saulnier
Meteghan River
This was promised by our government but never followed through on it. Its a very dangerous highway along this area. FIX IT!
Murray Finigan
Safety first. You promised it...now deliver it. We paid for it. High speed drivers, no safe passing lane. Too many curves and hills.
Robert Levesque
Grosses Coques
I've been driving here for about a year and a half. Driving on that stretch of highway there has been many times where it sketchy. People going to slow way under the speed limit with short, passing lanes head on collisions are inevitable. I have seen quite a few near Misses. Some of those steep pills coming down and coming back up with water pooling in between the hills, freezes and doesn’t matter how slow you’re going you can still wipe out.
Teri Wheeler
I haven't felt safe driving that area for years. I've heard of many accidents happening there, and, I can see why. The speed limits change about 3 or 4 times on that stretch, and, one feels scared for anyone having to slow down to turn. It's also impassable most times because it's so busy.
Wanda Jordan
Meteghan Center
That stretch of highway is residential and ill equipped for the volume and type of traffic it's tasked to accommodate. It's unsafe and dangerous. I thankfully have never had issues, but it is nerve-racking to have large transport trucks barreling toward you, or behind you at high speed. A bypass would divert that traffic away from residential areas.
Fred Hannah
Transport truck pushing you to speed up or get out of the way, I was reared with my two kids in the car and brother crossing the road nearby got run over by a transport truck. Too many accidents on that stretch
Christa Morrell
Gulliver's Cove
Too many accidents. Too many fast drivers
Diane Langdale
Little River